Swisscoin 10% fast start bonus pay swisscointeam bonus pay each day of 2% to 22%

Swisscoin is a company based in Switzerland.

As a welcome gift for any new member company offers 100 free swisscoin.

It is planned for the coming months that the company brings on how his own mastercard for withdrawals of earnings.

Accepted in more than 211 countries and located in the world.

80% of income of the company will have reverses all its members. 20% for developers and other leaders and minors.

Here is the membership packs swisscoi. Free Pack academic level 0

pack 25 € academic level pack 1

pack 50 € academic level pack 2

pack € 100 academic level pack 3

pack € 250 academic level 4 pack

pack € 500 academic pack level 5

trader pack € 1,000 academic level 6 pack

crypto-trader academic level pack 7

crypto-maker academic pack level 8

crypto-broker academic pack level 9

crypto-manager level academic pack 10

crypto-academic director pack level 11

For sponsorship plan 5 sources of income

10% bonus live

10% fast start bonus pay swisscointeam bonus pay each day of 2% to 22%

matching bonus on 11 levels

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